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FAQ for Log Info v3.00    Log Info

Question  The machine hangs or freezes when trying to run Log Info, why?

Some systems will cause our audit software to hang. These systems are normally 386 or 486 machines, however there are some rare instances that have been reported.

First, please make sure you are using the latest version of Log Info. In prior revisions we had problems, but with the newer revisions we have updated our software to prevent this from occuring.

Another quick check for this would be the following:

Uncheck the option for Mhz
Uncheck the option for the MAC Address

Then try running Log Info again.

The issue is when collecting the data for the MAC Address and Mhz. With any product that reports system information across a broad range of computers there can be issues.

We are looking into a solution for machines other than 386 or 486 that freeze up.

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Added: Jan 20, 2005