Order Online |
Once your online order is processed, you will instantly receive an email receipt with information
on how to check the status of your CD-ROM shipment. This status page will be updated as soon as your product
ships (usually 3-5 business days).
Click here
to order online with our secure server. RJL Software uses the most secure data encryption (128-bit) when transferring
your credit card information. Ordering online is the best and fastest way to order Fools Tools.
Fax Orders |
Fill out this form and fax it to (847) 841-4216. You will
receive a confirmation email that your order has been processed. Be sure
to specify the correct email address.
Mail Orders |
Fill out this form and mail it along with a
money order payable to RJL Software, Inc. (we do NOT accept personal checks) to:
RJL Software, Inc.
Fools Tools CD Order
340 Warwick Lane
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156