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FAQ for Message Manager Deluxe v3.03    Message Manager Deluxe

Question  I registered Message Manager Deluxe, but I am still getting the UNREGISTERED popup window. Why?

When you order Message Manager Deluxe online you will receive an instant email with instructions on how you can download your personal, registered version. These instructions state that you must DELETE (or uninstall) your old, unregistered version of Message Manager Deluxe. We do not use "registration keys" or "unlock codes" in our software. You will receive an entirely new file with the new registered version of Message Manager Deluxe.

If you have registered Message Manager Deluxe and are still receiving the UNREGISTERED popup window, then you are not running the registered version from the new file. Delete (or uninstall) the unregistered version of Message Manager Deluxe and use the software you downloaded from our order email instructions.

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Added: Jan 20, 2005