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FAQ for Message Manager Deluxe v3.03    Message Manager Deluxe

Question  When I run Message Manager Deluxe my configured message does not appear.

There are several reasons this could happen, please check the following:

If you have the cookie option set you will not see the message more than once on the same machine. Please check this.
If you have the Schedule option set to only display the message on a particular day. Please check this.
If you have the Schedule option set to only display the message on a certain date of the month. Please check this.
If the message file is not found or you do not have read rights the message file will not show. Be sure the path to the message file is using UNC.
Use the DEBUG option to determine what is going wrong. The options after the loadmsg.exe would look like this:

loadmsg.exe [message file with UNC path] DEBUG

Using this DEBUG option will display errors to the user that are normally surpressed for ease of use.

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Added: Jan 20, 2005