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FAQ for Message Manager Deluxe v3.03    Message Manager Deluxe

Question  How can I launch Message Manager Deluxe using a Novell NetWare login script?

Using the # (pound sign) within the login script will tell Novell to launch an external file. For example:

#\\app_server\message\loadmsg.exe \\app_server\message\message.dat

This would execute our loadmsg.exe application (included in Message Manager Deluxe) then loading up the message.dat that was configured.

There is so much power when using the Novell login script because of the way groups are setup. You could send a specific message to all of the users in the Accounting group, only, by using this line in the login script:

       #\\app_server\message\loadmsg.exe \\app_server\message\accounting.dat

We recommend using UNC (universal naming convention) when pathing out to the location on the network where our application is stored.

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Added: Aug 9, 2005